# # Basic configuration options # # Directory where all configuration will be stored CONFIG=/opt/openAger/config # Exposed HTTP port for node red (1880) NODE_PORT=1874 # Exposed port for mosquitto (1883) MOSQUITTO_PORT=1884 # Exposed SSL port for node red (9001) MOSQUITTOS_PORT=9002 # System time zone TZ=Europe/Vienna # # Config for node-red # # in case you are using the great nginx/letsencrypt combination from jwilder # and nginx: https://github.com/nginx-proxy/docker-letsencrypt-nginx-proxy-companion # Your hostname for nginx #NODE_VIRTUAL_HOST=hostname.domain.com # Your email #NODE_LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL= your@mail.com # Your hostname for letsencrypt #NODE_LETSENCRYPT_HOST= hostname.domain.com # This is the secret to encrypt your password storage within nodered NODE_RED_CREDENTIAL_SECRET=enryptmysecrets # This is the password for the frontend / ui access with username "open". # Get a new hash by docker exec -it node-red npx node-red admin hash-pw NODE_RED_USER_AUTH=$2b$08$XUvNWY1pmG39J1Nc1OipD.JjUoLdvfgfDJDIiY1Tma/6YZEVjAADu # This is the password for the backend of nodered with username "admin" NODE_RED_ADMIN_AUTH=$2b$08$XUvNWY1pmG39J1Nc1OipD.JjUoLdvfgfDJDIiY1Tma/6YZEVjAADu # # Config for mosquitto # # Note: hardcoded mqtt user is open:ager # Change or add user? docker exec -it mosquitto mosquitto_passwd -b /mosquitto/config/passwordfile open ager # Mosquitto URL MQTT_URL=openager_mosquitto_1 # # Config MariaDB # # Root Password for mariadb. CHANGE THAT in case you want to expose it to the # internet MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=openager # Username to connect MYSQL_USER=open #Password for the user above MYSQL_PASSWORD=ager # Database we are going to use MYSQL_DATABASE=openager # internal hostname of mariadb MYSQL_URL=openager_mariadb_1 # # Config phpMyAdmin # # Hostname of your mariadb PMA_HOST=openager_mariadb_1 # Port of phpMyAdmin if you want to expose (8088) PHMMYADMIN_PORT=8088 # # Config for influxDB # # admin user and password for influxdb INFLUXDB_ADMIN_USER=admin INFLUXDB_ADMIN_PASSWORD=openager # standard user and password for influx INFLUXDB_USER=open INFLUXDB_USER_PASSWORD=ager # name of the standard db within influx INFLUXDB_DB=openAger # Hostname of the influx INFLUX_URL=openager_influxdb_1 # # Config for grafana # # external port of phpMyAdmin if you want to expose (3001) GRAFANA_PORT=3003 # Your hostname for nginx #GRAFANA_VIRTUAL_HOST=hostname.domain.com # Your email #GRAFANA_LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL= your@mail.com # Your hostname for letsencrypt #GRAFANA_LETSENCRYPT_HOST= hostname.domain.com