var inited = false; module.exports = function(RED) { if (!inited) { inited = true; init(RED.server, RED.httpNode || RED.httpAdmin, RED.log, RED.settings); } return { add: add, addLink: addLink, addBaseConfig: addBaseConfig, emit: emit, emitSocket: emitSocket, toNumber: toNumber.bind(null, false), toFloat: toNumber.bind(null, true), updateUi: updateUi, ev: ev, getTheme: getTheme, getSizes: getSizes, isDark: isDark }; }; var fs = require('fs'); var path = require('path'); var events = require('events'); var socketio = require(''); var serveStatic = require('serve-static'); var compression = require('compression') var dashboardVersion = require('./package.json').version; var baseConfiguration = {}; var io; var menu = []; var globals = []; var settings = {}; var updateValueEventName = 'update-value'; var currentValues = {}; var replayMessages = {}; var removeStateTimers = {}; var removeStateTimeout = 1000; var ev = new events.EventEmitter(); var params = {}; ev.setMaxListeners(0); // default manifest.json to be returned as required. var mani = { "name": "Node-RED Dashboard", "short_name": "Dashboard", "description": "A dashboard for Node-RED", "start_url": "./#/0", "background_color": "#910000", "theme_color": "#910000", "display": "standalone", "icons": [ {"src":"icon192x192.png", "sizes":"192x192", "type":"image/png"}, {"src":"icon120x120.png", "sizes":"120x120", "type":"image/png"}, {"src":"icon64x64.png", "sizes":"64x64", "type":"image/png"} ] } function toNumber(keepDecimals, config, input, old, m, s) { if (input === undefined) { return; } if (typeof input !== "number") { var inputString = input.toString(); input = keepDecimals ? parseFloat(inputString) : parseInt(inputString); } if (s) { input = Math.round(Math.round(input/s)*s*10000)/10000; } return isNaN(input) ? config.min : input; } function emit(event, data) { io.emit(event, data); } function emitSocket(event, data) { if (data.hasOwnProperty("msg") && data.msg.hasOwnProperty("socketid") && (data.msg.socketid !== undefined)) {, data); } else if (data.hasOwnProperty("socketid") && (data.socketid !== undefined)) {, data); } else { io.emit(event, data); } } function noConvert(value) { return value; } function beforeEmit(msg, value) { return { value:value }; } function beforeSend(msg) { //do nothing } /* This is the handler for inbound msg from previous nodes... options: node - the node that represents the control on a flow control - the control to be added tab - tab config node that this control belongs to group - group name [emitOnlyNewValues] - boolean (default true). If true, it checks if the payload changed before sending it to the front-end. If the payload is the same no message is sent. [forwardInputMessages] - boolean (default true). If true, forwards input messages to the output [storeFrontEndInputAsState] - boolean (default true). If true, any message received from front-end is stored as state [convert] - callback to convert the value before sending it to the front-end [beforeEmit] - callback to prepare the message that is emitted to the front-end [convertBack] - callback to convert the message from front-end before sending it to the next connected node [beforeSend] - callback to prepare the message that is sent to the output */ function add(opt) { clearTimeout(removeStateTimers[]); delete removeStateTimers[]; if (typeof opt.emitOnlyNewValues === 'undefined') { opt.emitOnlyNewValues = true; } if (typeof opt.forwardInputMessages === 'undefined') { opt.forwardInputMessages = true; } if (typeof opt.storeFrontEndInputAsState === 'undefined') { opt.storeFrontEndInputAsState = true; } opt.convert = opt.convert || noConvert; opt.beforeEmit = opt.beforeEmit || beforeEmit; opt.convertBack = opt.convertBack || noConvert; opt.beforeSend = opt.beforeSend || beforeSend; =; var remove = addControl(,, opt.control); opt.node.on("input", function(msg) { if (typeof msg.enabled === 'boolean') { var state = replayMessages[]; if (!state) { replayMessages[] = state = {id:}; } state.disabled = !msg.enabled; io.emit(updateValueEventName, state); } // remove res and req as they are often circular if (msg.hasOwnProperty("res")) { delete msg.res; } if (msg.hasOwnProperty("req")) { delete msg.req; } // Retrieve the dataset for this node var oldValue = currentValues[]; // let any arriving msg.ui_control message mess with control parameters if (msg.ui_control && (typeof msg.ui_control === "object") && (!Array.isArray(msg.ui_control)) && (!Buffer.isBuffer(msg.ui_control) )) { var changed = {}; for (var property in msg.ui_control) { if (msg.ui_control.hasOwnProperty(property) && opt.control.hasOwnProperty(property)) { if ((property !== "id")&&(property !== "type")&&(property !== "order")&&(property !== "name")&&(property !== "value")&&(property !== "label")&&(property !== "width")&&(property !== "height")) { opt.control[property] = msg.ui_control[property]; changed[property] = msg.ui_control[property]; } } } if (Object.keys(changed).length !== 0) { io.emit('ui-control', {control:changed,}); } if (!msg.hasOwnProperty("payload")) { return; } } // Call the convert function in the node to get the new value // as well as the full dataset. var conversion = opt.convert(msg.payload, oldValue, msg, opt.control.step); // If the update flag is set, emit the newPoint, and store the full dataset var fullDataset; var newPoint; if ((typeof(conversion) === 'object') && (conversion.update !== undefined)) { newPoint = conversion.newPoint; fullDataset = conversion.updatedValues; } else if (conversion === undefined) { fullDataset = oldValue; newPoint = true; } else { // If no update flag is set, this means the conversion contains // the full dataset or the new value (e.g. gauges) fullDataset = conversion; } // If we have something new to emit if (newPoint !== undefined || !opt.emitOnlyNewValues || oldValue != fullDataset) { currentValues[] = fullDataset; // Determine what to emit over the websocket // (the new point or the full dataset). // Always store the full dataset. var toStore = opt.beforeEmit(msg, fullDataset); var toEmit; if ((newPoint !== undefined) && (typeof newPoint !== "boolean")) { toEmit = opt.beforeEmit(msg, newPoint); } else { toEmit = toStore; } var addField = function(m) { if (opt.control.hasOwnProperty(m) && opt.control[m] && opt.control[m].indexOf("{{") !== -1) { var a = opt.control[m].split("{{"); a.shift(); for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { var b = a[i].split("}}")[0].trim(); b.replace(/\"/g,'').replace(/\'/g,''); if (b.indexOf("|") !== -1) { b = b.split("|")[0]; } if (b.indexOf(" ") !== -1) { b = b.split(" ")[0]; } if (b.indexOf("?") !== -1) { b = b.split("?")[0]; } b.replace(/\(/g,'').replace(/\)/g,''); if (b.indexOf("msg.") >= 0) { b = b.split("msg.")[1]; if (b.indexOf(".") !== -1) { b = b.split(".")[0]; } if (b.indexOf("[") !== -1) { b = b.split("[")[0]; } if (!toEmit.hasOwnProperty("msg")) { toEmit.msg = {}; } if (!toEmit.msg.hasOwnProperty(b) && msg.hasOwnProperty(b) && (msg[b] !== undefined)) { if (Buffer.isBuffer(msg[b])) { toEmit.msg[b] = msg[b].toString("binary"); } else { toEmit.msg[b] = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(msg[b])); } } } else { if (b.indexOf(".") !== -1) { b = b.split(".")[0]; } if (b.indexOf("[") !== -1) { b = b.split("[")[0]; } if (!toEmit.hasOwnProperty(b) && msg.hasOwnProperty(b)) { if (Buffer.isBuffer(msg[b])) { toEmit[b] = msg[b].toString("binary"); } else { toEmit[b] = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(msg[b])); } } } } } } // if label, format or color field is set to a msg property, emit that as well addField("label"); addField("format"); addField("color"); addField("units"); if (msg.hasOwnProperty("enabled")) { toEmit.disabled = !msg.enabled; } = =; // Emit and Store the data //if (settings.verbose) { console.log("UI-EMIT",JSON.stringify(toEmit)); } emitSocket(updateValueEventName, toEmit); replayMessages[] = toStore; // Handle the node output if (opt.forwardInputMessages && opt.node._wireCount) { msg.payload = opt.convertBack(fullDataset); msg = opt.beforeSend(msg) || msg; //if (settings.verbose) { console.log("UI-SEND",JSON.stringify(msg)); } opt.node.send(msg); } } }); // This is the handler for messages coming back from the UI var handler = function (msg) { if ( !== { return; } // ignore if not us if (settings.readOnly === true) { msg.value = currentValues[]; } // don't accept input if we are in read only mode else { var converted = opt.convertBack(msg.value); if (opt.storeFrontEndInputAsState === true) { currentValues[] = converted; replayMessages[] = msg; } var toSend = {payload:converted}; toSend = opt.beforeSend(toSend, msg) || toSend; toSend.socketid = toSend.socketid || msg.socketid; if (toSend.hasOwnProperty("topic") && (toSend.topic === undefined)) { delete toSend.topic; } if (!msg.hasOwnProperty("_fromInput")) { // TODO: too specific opt.node.send(toSend); // send to following nodes } } if (opt.storeFrontEndInputAsState === true) { //fwd to all UI clients io.emit(updateValueEventName, msg); } }; ev.on(updateValueEventName, handler); return function() { ev.removeListener(updateValueEventName, handler); remove(); removeStateTimers[] = setTimeout(function() { delete currentValues[]; delete replayMessages[]; }, removeStateTimeout); }; } //from: function join() { var trimRegex = new RegExp('^\\/|\\/$','g'); var paths =; return '/' { if (e) { return e.replace(trimRegex,""); } }).filter(function(e) {return e;}).join('/'); } function init(server, app, log, redSettings) { var uiSettings = redSettings.ui || {}; if ((uiSettings.hasOwnProperty("path")) && (typeof uiSettings.path === "string")) { settings.path = uiSettings.path; } else { settings.path = 'ui'; } if ((uiSettings.hasOwnProperty("readOnly")) && (typeof uiSettings.readOnly === "boolean")) { settings.readOnly = uiSettings.readOnly; } else { settings.readOnly = false; } settings.defaultGroupHeader = uiSettings.defaultGroup || 'Default'; settings.verbose = redSettings.verbose || false; var fullPath = join(redSettings.httpNodeRoot, settings.path); var socketIoPath = join(fullPath, ''); io = socketio(server, {path: socketIoPath}); var dashboardMiddleware = function(req, res, next) { next(); } if (uiSettings.middleware) { if (typeof uiSettings.middleware === "function") { dashboardMiddleware = uiSettings.middleware; } } fs.stat(path.join(__dirname, 'dist/index.html'), function(err, stat) { app.use(compression()); if (!err) { app.use( join(settings.path, "manifest.json"), function(req, res) { res.send(mani); }); app.use( join(settings.path), dashboardMiddleware, serveStatic(path.join(__dirname, "dist")) ); } else {"[Dashboard] Dashboard using development folder"); app.use(join(settings.path), dashboardMiddleware, serveStatic(path.join(__dirname, "src"))); var vendor_packages = [ 'angular', 'angular-sanitize', 'angular-animate', 'angular-aria', 'angular-material', 'angular-touch', 'angular-material-icons', 'svg-morpheus', 'font-awesome', 'weather-icons-lite', 'sprintf-js', 'jquery', 'jquery-ui', 'd3', 'raphael', 'justgage', 'angular-chart.js', 'chart.js', 'moment', 'angularjs-color-picker', 'tinycolor2', 'less' ]; vendor_packages.forEach(function (packageName) { app.use(join(settings.path, 'vendor', packageName), serveStatic(path.join(__dirname, 'node_modules', packageName))); }); } });"Dashboard version " + dashboardVersion + " started at " + fullPath); io.on('connection', function(socket) { ev.emit("newsocket",, socket.request.connection.remoteAddress); updateUi(socket); socket.on(updateValueEventName, ev.emit.bind(ev, updateValueEventName)); socket.on('ui-replay-state', function() { var ids = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(replayMessages); setTimeout(function() { ids.forEach(function (id) { socket.emit(updateValueEventName, replayMessages[id]); }); }, 50); socket.emit('ui-replay-done'); }); socket.on('ui-change', function(index) { var name = ""; if ((index != null) && !isNaN(index) && (menu.length > 0) && (index < menu.length) && menu[index]) { name = (menu[index].hasOwnProperty("header") && typeof menu[index].header !== 'undefined') ? menu[index].header : menu[index].name; ev.emit("changetab", index, name,, socket.request.connection.remoteAddress, params); } }); socket.on('ui-refresh', function() { updateUi(); }); socket.on('disconnect', function() { ev.emit("endsocket",, socket.request.connection.remoteAddress); }); socket.on('ui-audio', function(audioStatus) { ev.emit("audiostatus", audioStatus,, socket.request.connection.remoteAddress); }); socket.on('ui-params', function(p) { delete p.socketid; params = p; }); }); } var updateUiPending = false; function updateUi(to) { if (!to) { if (updateUiPending) { return; } updateUiPending = true; to = io; } process.nextTick(function() { menu.forEach(function(o) { o.theme = baseConfiguration.theme; }); to.emit('ui-controls', { site:, theme: baseConfiguration.theme, menu: menu, globals: globals }); updateUiPending = false; }); } function find(array, predicate) { for (var i=0; i<array.length; i++) { if (predicate(array[i])) { return array[i]; } } } function itemSorter(item1, item2) { if (item1.order === 0 && item2.order !== 0) { return 1; } else if (item1.order !== 0 && item2.order === 0) { return -1; } return item1.order - item2.order; } function addControl(tab, groupHeader, control) { if (typeof control.type !== 'string') { return function() {}; } // global template? if (control.type === 'template' && control.templateScope === 'global') { // add content to globals globals.push(control); updateUi(); // return remove function return function() { var index = globals.indexOf(control); if (index >= 0) { globals.splice(index, 1); updateUi(); } } } else { groupHeader = groupHeader || settings.defaultGroupHeader; control.order = parseFloat(control.order); var foundTab = find(menu, function (t) {return === }); if (!foundTab) { foundTab = { id:, header:, order: parseFloat(tab.config.order), icon: tab.config.icon, //icon: tab.config.hidden ? "fa-ban" : tab.config.icon, disabled: tab.config.disabled, hidden: tab.config.hidden, items: [] }; menu.push(foundTab); menu.sort(itemSorter); } var foundGroup = find(foundTab.items, function (g) {return g.header === groupHeader;}); if (!foundGroup) { foundGroup = { header: groupHeader, items: [] }; foundTab.items.push(foundGroup); } foundGroup.items.push(control); foundGroup.items.sort(itemSorter); foundGroup.order = groupHeader.config.order; foundTab.items.sort(itemSorter); updateUi(); // Return the remove function for this control return function() { var index = foundGroup.items.indexOf(control); if (index >= 0) { // Remove the item from the group foundGroup.items.splice(index, 1); // If the group is now empty, remove it from the tab if (foundGroup.items.length === 0) { index = foundTab.items.indexOf(foundGroup); if (index >= 0) { foundTab.items.splice(index, 1); // If the tab is now empty, remove it as well if (foundTab.items.length === 0) { index = menu.indexOf(foundTab); if (index >= 0) { menu.splice(index, 1); } } } } updateUi(); } } } } function addLink(name, link, icon, order, target) { var newLink = { name: name, link: link, icon: icon, order: order || 1, target: target }; menu.push(newLink); menu.sort(itemSorter); updateUi(); return function() { var index = menu.indexOf(newLink); if (index < 0) { return; } menu.splice(index, 1); updateUi(); } } function addBaseConfig(config) { if (config) { baseConfiguration = config; } = ? : "Node-RED Dashboard"; mani.short_name ="Node-RED","").trim(); mani.background_color = config.theme.themeState["page-titlebar-backgroundColor"].value; mani.theme_color = config.theme.themeState["page-titlebar-backgroundColor"].value; updateUi(); } function getTheme() { if (baseConfiguration && baseConfiguration.hasOwnProperty("theme") && (typeof baseConfiguration.theme !== "undefined") ) { return baseConfiguration.theme.themeState; } else { return undefined; } } function getSizes() { if (baseConfiguration && baseConfiguration.hasOwnProperty("site") && (typeof !== "undefined") &&"sizes")) { return; } else { return { sx:48, sy:48, gx:6, gy:6, cx:6, cy:6, px:0, py:0 }; } } function isDark() { if (baseConfiguration && baseConfiguration.hasOwnProperty("theme") && baseConfiguration.theme.hasOwnProperty("themeState")) { var rgb = parseInt(baseConfiguration.theme.themeState["page-sidebar-backgroundColor"].value.substring(1), 16); var luma = 0.2126 * ((rgb >> 16) & 0xff) + 0.7152 * ((rgb >> 8) & 0xff) + 0.0722 * ((rgb >> 0) & 0xff); // per ITU-R BT.709 if (luma > 128) { return false; } else { return true; } } else { return false; } // if in doubt - let's say it's light. }