// Test for _at least_ GH Issues #345, #379, #392, #411 var assert = require('assert'), net = require('net'), crypto = require('crypto'), Imap = require('../lib/Connection'); var result = [], body = [], bodyInfo = []; var CRLF = '\r\n'; // generate data larger than highWaterMark var bytes = crypto.pseudoRandomBytes(10240).toString('hex'); var RESPONSES = [ ['* CAPABILITY IMAP4rev1 UNSELECT IDLE NAMESPACE QUOTA CHILDREN', 'A0 OK Thats all she wrote!', '' ].join(CRLF), ['* CAPABILITY IMAP4rev1 UNSELECT IDLE NAMESPACE QUOTA CHILDREN UIDPLUS MOVE', 'A1 OK authenticated (Success)', '' ].join(CRLF), ['* NAMESPACE (("" "/")) NIL NIL', 'A2 OK Success', '' ].join(CRLF), ['* LIST (\\Noselect) "/" "/"', 'A3 OK Success', '' ].join(CRLF), ['* FLAGS (\\Answered \\Flagged \\Draft \\Deleted \\Seen)', '* OK [PERMANENTFLAGS ()] Flags permitted.', '* OK [UIDVALIDITY 2] UIDs valid.', '* 685 EXISTS', '* 0 RECENT', '* OK [UIDNEXT 4422] Predicted next UID.', 'A4 OK [READ-ONLY] INBOX selected. (Success)', '' ].join(CRLF), '* 1 FETCH (UID 1000 FLAGS (\\Seen) INTERNALDATE "05-Sep-2004 00:38:03 +0000" BODY[TEXT] {' + bytes.length + '}' + CRLF + bytes.substring(0, 20000), ['* BYE LOGOUT Requested', 'A6 OK good day (Success)', '' ].join(CRLF) ]; var EXPECTED = [ 'A0 CAPABILITY', 'A1 LOGIN "foo" "bar"', 'A2 NAMESPACE', 'A3 LIST "" ""', 'A4 EXAMINE "INBOX"', 'A5 FETCH 1,2 (UID FLAGS INTERNALDATE BODY.PEEK[TEXT])', 'A6 LOGOUT' ]; var exp = -1, res = -1; var srv = net.createServer(function(sock) { sock.write('* OK asdf\r\n'); var buf = '', lines; sock.on('data', function(data) { buf += data.toString('utf8'); if (buf.indexOf(CRLF) > -1) { lines = buf.split(CRLF); buf = lines.pop(); lines.forEach(function(l) { assert(l === EXPECTED[++exp], 'Unexpected client request: ' + l); assert(RESPONSES[++res], 'No response for client request: ' + l); sock.write(RESPONSES[res]); }); } }); }); srv.listen(0, '', function() { var port = srv.address().port; var imap = new Imap({ user: 'foo', password: 'bar', host: '', port: port, keepalive: false }); imap.on('ready', function() { srv.close(); imap.openBox('INBOX', true, function() { var f = imap.seq.fetch([1,2], { bodies: ['TEXT'] }); var nbody = -1; f.on('message', function(m) { m.on('body', function(stream, info) { ++nbody; bodyInfo.push(info); body[nbody] = ''; if (nbody === 0) { // first allow body.push() to return false in parser.js setTimeout(function() { stream.on('data', function(chunk) { body[nbody] += chunk.toString('binary'); }); setTimeout(function() { var oldRead = stream._read, readCalled = false; stream._read = function(n) { readCalled = true; stream._read = oldRead; imap._sock.push(bytes.substring(100, 200) + ')' + CRLF + 'A5 OK Success' + CRLF); imap._parser._tryread(); }; imap._sock.push(bytes.substring(20000) + ')' + CRLF + '* 2 FETCH (UID 1001 FLAGS (\\Seen) INTERNALDATE "05-Sep-2004 00:38:13 +0000" BODY[TEXT] {200}' + CRLF + bytes.substring(0, 100)); // if we got this far, then we didn't get an exception and we // are running with the bug fix in place if (!readCalled) { imap._sock.push(bytes.substring(100, 200) + ')' + CRLF + 'A5 OK Success' + CRLF); } }, 100); }, 100); } else { stream.on('data', function(chunk) { body[nbody] += chunk.toString('binary'); }); } }); m.on('attributes', function(attrs) { result.push(attrs); }); }); f.on('end', function() { imap.end(); }); }); }); imap.connect(); }); process.once('exit', function() { assert.deepEqual(result, [{ uid: 1000, date: new Date('05-Sep-2004 00:38:03 +0000'), flags: [ '\\Seen' ] }, { uid: 1001, date: new Date('05-Sep-2004 00:38:13 +0000'), flags: [ '\\Seen' ] }]); assert.deepEqual(body, [bytes, bytes.substring(0, 200)]); assert.deepEqual(bodyInfo, [{ seqno: 1, which: 'TEXT', size: bytes.length }, { seqno: 2, which: 'TEXT', size: 200 }]); });