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2020-10-17 18:42:50 +02:00
moment.parseFormat a moment.js plugin
[![Greenkeeper badge](https://badges.greenkeeper.io/gr2m/moment-parseformat.svg)](https://greenkeeper.io/)
> A moment.js plugin to extract the format of a date/time string
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Load via script tag
<script src="moment.js"></script>
<script src="moment.parseFormat.js"></script>
Install using [npm](https://npmjs.org/) for node.js:
npm install --save moment-parseformat
Browser Usage
var format = moment.parseFormat('Thursday, February 6th, 2014 9:20pm'/* , options */);
// dddd, MMMM Do, YYYY h:mma
moment().format(format); // format
Node / CommonJS Usage
var moment = require 'moment'
var parseFormat = require('moment-parseformat')
var format = parseFormat('Thursday, February 6th, 2014 9:20pm'/* , options */);
// dddd, MMMM Do, YYYY h:mma
moment().format(format); // format
Options can be passed as 2nd parameter
#### preferredOrder
Type: `Object` or `String`
`parseFormat` tries to figure out the the order of day/month/year by itself
if it finds 3 numbers separated by `.`, `-` or `/`. But if it can't, it will fallback
to `preferredOrder`, which can either be set as an object to differentiate by separator,
or as a simple string.
Default value:
preferredOrder: {
'/': 'MDY',
'.': 'DMY',
'-': 'YMD'
parseFormat('10.10.2010', {preferredOrder: 'DMY'});
parseFormat('10.10.2010', {preferredOrder: 'MDY'});
parseFormat('10.10.2010', {preferredOrder: {
'/': 'MDY',
'.': 'DMY',
'-': 'YMD'
parseFormat('10/10/2010', {preferredOrder: {
'/': 'MDY',
'.': 'DMY',
'-': 'YMD'
Fine Print
The moment.parseFormat Plugin have been authored by [Gregor Martynus](https://github.com/gr2m),
proud member of the [Hoodie Community](http://hood.ie/).
License: MIT