2020-10-17 18:42:50 +02:00

140 lines
4.1 KiB

var zip = require('lodash/zip');
var trimEnd = require('lodash/trimEnd');
// Split a long word up to fit within the word wrap limit. Use either a
// character to split looking back from the word wrap limit, or
// truncate to the word wrap limit.
function splitLongWord(word, options) {
var wrapCharacters = options.longWordSplit.wrapCharacters || [];
var forceWrapOnLimit = options.longWordSplit.forceWrapOnLimit || false;
var max = options.wordwrap;
var fuseWord = [];
var idx = 0;
while (word.length > max) {
var firstLine = word.substr(0, max);
var remainingChars = word.substr(max);
var splitIndex = firstLine.lastIndexOf(wrapCharacters[idx]);
if (splitIndex > -1) {
// We've found a character to split on, store before the split then check if we
// need to split again
word = firstLine.substr(splitIndex + 1) + remainingChars;
fuseWord.push(firstLine.substr(0, splitIndex + 1));
} else {
if (idx >= wrapCharacters.length) {
// Cannot split on character, so either split at 'max' or preserve length
if (forceWrapOnLimit) {
word = remainingChars;
if (word.length > max) {
} else {
word = firstLine + remainingChars;
if (!options.preserveNewlines) {
word += '\n';
} else {
word = firstLine + remainingChars;
return fuseWord.join('\n');
exports.wordwrap = function wordwrap(text, options) {
var max = options.wordwrap;
var preserveNewlines = options.preserveNewlines;
var length = options.lineCharCount;
// Preserve leading space
var result = text.startsWith(' ') ? ' ' : '';
length += result.length;
var buffer = [];
// Split the text into words, decide to preserve new lines or not.
var words = preserveNewlines
? text.trim().replace(/\n/g, '\n ').split(/\ +/)
: text.trim().split(/\s+/);
// Determine where to end line word by word.
words.forEach(function(word) {
// Add buffer to result if we can't fit any more words in the buffer.
if ((max || max === 0) && length > 0 && ((length + word.length > max) || (length + word.indexOf('\n') > max))) {
// Concat buffer and add it to the result
result += buffer.join(' ') + '\n';
// Reset buffer and length
buffer.length = length = 0;
// Check if the current word is long enough to be wrapped
if ((max || max === 0) && (options.longWordSplit) && (word.length > max)) {
word = splitLongWord(word, options);
// If the word contains a newline then restart the count and add the buffer to the result
if (word.indexOf('\n') !== -1) {
result += buffer.join(' ');
// Reset the buffer, let the length include any characters after the last newline
buffer.length = 0;
length = word.length - (word.lastIndexOf('\n') + 1);
// If there are characters after the newline, add a space and increase the length by 1
if (length) {
result += ' ';
} else {
// Add word length + one whitespace
length += word.length + 1;
// Add the rest to the result.
result += buffer.join(' ');
// Preserve trailing space
if (!text.endsWith(' ')) {
result = trimEnd(result);
} else if (!result.endsWith(' ')) {
result = result + ' ';
return result;
exports.arrayZip = function arrayZip(array) {
return zip.apply(null, array);
exports.splitCssSearchTag = function splitCssSearchTag(tagString) {
function getParams(re, string) {
var captures = [], found;
while ((found = re.exec(string)) !== null) {
return captures;
var splitTag = {};
var elementRe = /(^\w*)/g;
splitTag.element = elementRe.exec(tagString)[1];
splitTag.classes = getParams( /\.([\d\w-]*)/g, tagString);
splitTag.ids = getParams( /#([\d\w-]*)/g, tagString);
return splitTag;
exports.replaceAll = function replaceAll(str, find, replace) {
var reg = new RegExp(find, 'g');
return str.replace(reg, replace);